Use of Fetch @kubb/plugin-client
By default, @kubb/plugin-client
uses the import client from @kubb/plugin-client/clients/axios
as its client, which is based on the Axios instance interface for making API calls.
However, there are cases where you might want to customize the client. For example, you might prefer to use Fetch or Ky.
Create a kubb.config.ts
with the following config
can be a relative, import alias, or an import to another library(default @kubb/plugin-client/clients/axios
will be used).
import { defineConfig } from '@kubb/core'
import { pluginClient } from '@kubb/plugin-client'
import { pluginOas } from '@kubb/plugin-oas'
import { pluginTs } from '@kubb/plugin-ts'
export default defineConfig(() => {
return {
root: '.',
input: {
path: './petStore.yaml',
output: {
path: './src/gen',
clean: true,
plugins: [
validate: false,
generators: [],
output: { path: 'models.ts' },
output: {
path: '.',
importPath: '../client.ts',
Add client.ts
with the following config
In the background, every POST, PUT, GET, PATCH, and DELETE request will utilize the importPath and invoke the default export of that file with a configuration shaped by RequestConfig
, which is modeled after the AxiosRequest interface/config.
The client should always return an object in the shape of ResponseConfig
, even if you change the dataReturnType
with dataReturnType: 'data'
export type RequestConfig<TData = unknown> = {
url?: string
method: 'GET' | 'PUT' | 'PATCH' | 'POST' | 'DELETE'
params?: object
data?: TData | FormData
responseType?: 'arraybuffer' | 'blob' | 'document' | 'json' | 'text' | 'stream'
signal?: AbortSignal
headers?: HeadersInit
export type ResponseConfig<TData = unknown> = {
data: TData
status: number
statusText: string
export const client = async <TData, TError = unknown, TVariables = unknown>(config: RequestConfig<TVariables>): Promise<ResponseConfig<TData>> => {
const response = await fetch('', {
method: config.method.toUpperCase(),
body: JSON.stringify(,
signal: config.signal,
headers: config.headers,
const data = await response.json()
return {
status: response.status,
statusText: response.statusText,
View the generated code
import client from '../client.ts'
import type { ResponseConfig } from '../client.ts'
import type { GetPetByIdQueryResponse, GetPetByIdPathParams } from './models.ts'
* @description Returns a single pet
* @summary Find pet by ID
* @link /pet/:petId
export async function getPetById(
petId: GetPetByIdPathParams['petId'],
options: Partial<Parameters<typeof client>[0]> = {},
): Promise<ResponseConfig<GetPetByIdQueryResponse>['data']> {
const res = await client<GetPetByIdQueryResponse>({ method: 'get', url: `/pet/${petId}`, ...options })